500 USDCExpiredon Feb 19devframesframes-devsFrame mailing list form$ALEX Masmej@alexmasmej.eth·1y·Posted 1 completed bounty·Farcaster@bountybot @bountycaster /frames /frames-devs “Frame mailing list form” request: 1. Text input to enter email + like cast to proceed 2. Mints a free NFT as a reward 500 USDC. Can discuss over direct casts :) cc @linda437View in Warpcast
Samuel ツTop bounty completer@samuellhuber.eth·1y·Completed 15 bounties(7 dev)Channel memberwhere should the input go to? once the mail address input by user and sentReplyPay user
Samuel ツTop bounty completer@samuellhuber.eth·1y·Completed 15 bounties(7 dev)Channel memberon it. just missing the like to continue requirementReplyPay user
Linda XieTop bounty completer@linda·1y·Completed 23 bounties(0 dev)Heads up Warpcast is delayed with data right now so bot response not showing up yet (it's up on supercast https://www.supercast.xyz/c/0x0ef8c219538a47d52abc1f6679096c539c8bb418)ReplyPay user
anthony urbina 👨💻Top bounty completer@typeofant·1y·Completed 0 bountieshey, can help with this just completed another bountyReplyPay user
Samuel ツTop bounty completer@samuellhuber.eth·1y·Completed 15 bounties(7 dev)Channel membergot neynar working local for it. Will clean up code base. Finish documentation and test live on warpcast. Responding with progess here.ReplyPay user
Samuel ツTop bounty completer@samuellhuber.eth·1y·Completed 15 bounties(7 dev)Channel memberwhere do you want to deploy? vercel and just env variables needs a little more work now. using Google's auth JWT as .json and not ENV vars right now. locally (meaning also any server where you just put it on compute) or can mount a secret e.g. K8s) would workReplyPay user
$ALEX MasmejTop bounty completer@alexmasmej.eth·1yI’m down to keep it local to avoid vercel/ENV work. The mint would be on @base / @zora since I think base subsidizes /frames-devs mints correct?Reply
$ALEX MasmejTop bounty completer@alexmasmej.eth·1yAwesome! Posted it from supercast actually ehehReply