Post a bounty
No need to create a Bountycaster account. Write a bounty post and tag @bountybot in Farcaster or Twitter/X
Include bounty description, amount (optional), deadline (optional). Don’t worry about a specific format or order since we’re using AI to process it
All bounties are paid peer to peer. See FAQ for more info

Bounty examples (see completed bounties for more)
- 0.1 ETH for fixing this issue [link] in the next 2 weeks. Please share any relevant experience and confirm with me first before working on this @bountybot
- I need restaurant recs for my Paris trip. Favorite 3 answers get 5 USDC each @bountybot
- Looking for a Dune wizard to put together my dashboard. Amount negotiable @bountybot
Create a bounty
See for examples
Post a bounty without a cast
Your bounty is posted without needing to cast from your account. You'll receive daily direct cast notifications from @bountybot on responses