100 USDCVerified paidVerified paidCompletedon Jun 19by@ardevdataDataDashboard/Query showcasing onboarding flowilemi@ilemi·7mo·Posted 3 completed bounties·Farcaster@bountybot 100 USDC to the best dashboard/query showcasing this onboarding flow413View in Warpcast
ARDevTop bounty completer@ardev·7mo·Completed 2 bounties(2 data)Bounty completerWe tried to get the dashboard live, any comments on improving it are welcome 😁 Dashboard Link - https://dune.com/llabs/onboarding-onchain-summerReplyPayments to @ardev for this bounty100 USDCPay user
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel memberNote this is for bytexplorers only! Anyone can mint a pass and join us https://read.cryptodatabytes.com/p/join-the-bytexplorersReply
SalvaTop bounty completer@salva·7mo·Completed 2 bounties(2 data)I made a short dashboard, I copied it to @jessepollak but I think he might not be available: https://public.tableau.com/views/CoinbaseWallets/Dashboard?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_linkReplyPay user
ARDevTop bounty completer@ardev·7mo·Completed 2 bounties(2 data)Bounty completerThank you so much for selecting my work for the bounty! I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to contributing further to future projects.ReplyPayments to @ardev for this bounty100 USDCPay user
ARDevTop bounty completer@ardev·7mo·Completed 2 bounties(2 data)Bounty completerHello! I have minted the pass! Looking forward to joining bytexplorers and contributing 🚀ReplyPayments to @ardev for this bounty100 USDCPay user
ARDevTop bounty completer@ardev·7mo·Completed 2 bounties(2 data)Bounty completerThank you so much, @jessepollak! I'm thrilled that you and the team like the dashboard. If there are any additional features or metrics you'd like to see included, please let us know. We're committed to making it as useful and insightful as possible. Looking forward to your feedback!ReplyPayments to @ardev for this bounty100 USDCPay user
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel memberNice! Note this bounty is for bytexplorers only, you can mint a pass and join us to qualify 😁 https://read.cryptodatabytes.com/p/join-the-bytexplorersReply
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel memberI have selected your work to win the bounty - will send over the usdc soon!Reply
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel memberIf its acceptable please give it an @bytecast answered 😁Reply
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel membercc @jessepollak really comprehensive dashboard!!Reply
jesse.base.eth 🔵Top bounty completer@jessepollak·7mo·Completed 0 bountiesthis is so awesome! sharing with the teamReplyPay user
ilemiTop bounty completer@ilemi·7moChannel memberNote this is for bytexplorers only! Anyone can mint a pass and join us https://read.cryptodatabytes.com/p/join-the-bytexplorersReply